Friday, October 17, 2008

Picture Tag

You know what I love (hate) more than blogging?  Being tagged by a blogger.  Oh, tagging - it's like high school all over again. 

The rules: Open the fourth file and select the fourth picture and then tell a little bit about it.

This is me with my beautiful, gorgeous sisters.  Especially that one all the way to the right, I hear she is a very talented blogger.

I tag . . . NO ONE!

Mean Mean Mean

Have you met my darling toddler Jared?  I just want to pinch his cheeks, he is so sweet.  I love when he holds his fists in the air, shakes them around, scrunches his noise and announces "mean, mean, mean."  I am glad he can express his feelings so clearly.  I am sure this is a sign that is very advanced and intelligent.


It was so hard for me when I had to leave my darling children to venture out to Utah.  I just hated being away from them for so long.  I called every five minutes to make sure all was well and tell them just how much I LOVE them!
I had fun with my sisters and Sabrina.  I hit up some of my favorite shopping, ate at the BYU Creamery, and went to a movie.
I was so glad to be reunited to my whole family back in California, I held the children for five minutes each to re-bond.