Friday, October 17, 2008

Picture Tag

You know what I love (hate) more than blogging?  Being tagged by a blogger.  Oh, tagging - it's like high school all over again. 

The rules: Open the fourth file and select the fourth picture and then tell a little bit about it.

This is me with my beautiful, gorgeous sisters.  Especially that one all the way to the right, I hear she is a very talented blogger.

I tag . . . NO ONE!

Mean Mean Mean

Have you met my darling toddler Jared?  I just want to pinch his cheeks, he is so sweet.  I love when he holds his fists in the air, shakes them around, scrunches his noise and announces "mean, mean, mean."  I am glad he can express his feelings so clearly.  I am sure this is a sign that is very advanced and intelligent.


It was so hard for me when I had to leave my darling children to venture out to Utah.  I just hated being away from them for so long.  I called every five minutes to make sure all was well and tell them just how much I LOVE them!
I had fun with my sisters and Sabrina.  I hit up some of my favorite shopping, ate at the BYU Creamery, and went to a movie.
I was so glad to be reunited to my whole family back in California, I held the children for five minutes each to re-bond.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Here I am at one of my summer homes in England.  If you didn't know, I am royalty (self-declared).  I totally deserve to live in luxury, be waited on by servants, have jewels galore, and everything that goes along with being royalty.  Don't you agree?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

La Jolla Cove Tidepools

This little Miss didn't hesitate at all at the tide pools. She jumped right in and started finding all the good stuff. She is such an adventurer.

Jared, as discussed previously, loves to wave to bugs. Don't worry, we stopped him before he squashed this beetle.

Mamma Mia

I loved Mamma Mia. I loved it so much I offered to go again with my sisters while in Oceanside. Sadly, they did NOT appreciate it the way I do. I had to explain to Katie the entire plot (although she requested that I stop), and I had to keep Kendra from sleeping. However, I was given a special treat at the end by Kendra and Katie. Since we were in an empty movie theatre, they got up and performed at the end.

On this topic, we own the soundtrack, and Khloe's personal favorite song is Mamma Mia itself. Just ask her and she might treat you to her own rendition.

Family Pictures

Friday, June 13, 2008

My Children

We have decided to get a swing set. When in discussion of said swing set, Khloe had an epiphany of how the swing set could make my job easier. She informed me that I could simply say to them "You kids are driving me crazy! Go on the swing set!"

Jared likes to wave to everyone and everything. Even little bugs. Just the other day he spotted a little Caterpillar and gave it a sweet little wave. Then he smiled and smashed it with his foot. Where do they learn these things?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Anti-Blog Movement, Statement #1

This is a new chapter in the anti-blog movement started by me, Katie (a lover of blogs) on behalf of my dear sister Kelly. I will be highlighting every so often reasons why blogs can be annoying. And I am in no way ashamed to use my own blog to explain the views held by members of the anti-blog movement. Today's topic is:

Husbands Getting all the Praise

Now the issue here might be that the wives are the ones writing the blogs, so of course they are not going to praise themselves (but maybe we should, hmmm . . . ) Also, maybe wives are trying to engender good feelings from their husbands to lure the men to purchase a certain piece of jewelry or other type of treat (hint, hint). Whatever it may be, in the blogging world - husbands are getting some serious credit.

It may be deserved sometimes, but what about the wives! The husband takes on one night with the baby and it's like "Stop the Presses!!" Let me ask you a question, who gets up with the baby EVERY OTHER NIGHT?

That's right, the wife. So here's to you - wives of the world! Thank you so much (on behalf of your husbands and children) for waking up with the baby most nights (and sometimes every night). Here's to you for scrubbing you know what out of onesies! For watching Disney Movies time after time after time. For cooking dinner. For cleaning. For driving the children everywhere. For forgoing showers because you have mischievous toddlers (who might destroy the house in those precious five minutes). For everything.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Time Out

When I can't take the kids any longer, I send the husband off with them to the wilderness. This weekend Brent took both Jared and Khloe to Zion's National Park. And I sent myself to get a massage, enjoy a quiet dinner, and slept all night several nights in a row with no interruptions. Oh joy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Run Away

Do you ever wish you could run away? I do. Sometimes I tell Khloe I might run away. Since running away isn't really an option, I am grateful to my Mom. She took Khloe out on a date to see Horton Hears a Who just last week. Khloe insisted on Mama matching her outfit, so here they are pictured in pink and brown.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hoppy Easter

Hope your Easter was as "Hoppy" as ours.
How's that for cheese??

Ewww . . . yucky

So, the Easter Egg Hunt at Mama's and Papa's was conducted in the backyard. This is where the family dog, Buddy, resides. When Jared came in from the hunt, he was found to have a sticky brown substance all over his hands . . .
Stop right there! You have a dirty mind, it's not what you think it is.
Chocolate melts when it gets hot. The Easter Bunny hid the eggs while the sun was out, and Jared found this out the, um, sticky way.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Khloe's Favorite

Khloe has a nice way of making those around her feel special. This is her secret: she tells you that you are her favorite.

Here's the truth though, she doesn't only tell you that! I recently heard Khloe over the phone declare to her Aunt Kendra that she was her favorite.

Two weeks ago at Quinn's blessing Khloe hopped on my lap and whispered in my ear that I was her favorite.

*sigh* What's an auntie to do? Maybe she's told one of you readers that you are her favorite too. Sorry to let you know the truth.

Food goes in your mouth!

This post is dedicated to Jared. Jared loves to eat! He also loves to stick food all over his hair. Maybe his hair has taste buds, you never know. Maybe he does it because it drives his mother crazy. Either way, it's pretty funny.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Darling Khloe

This is my daughter Khloe with her favorite aunt Katie. Khloe is just so good with her little nephew Quinn and such a good big sister. Khloe says so many funny things. Here is one of her recent ones:

Scene, Khloe chooses, of her own accord, to bear her testimony in Sacrament meeting. On her first time, from the pulpit she declared:

"I like everyone in this church."

She's so funny.

The Anti-Blog Movement

"My baby is so perfect!"
"My kids are so cute and they sleep all the time."
"Isn't it fabulous that I travel all the time and never work?"
"Don't you wish your house was as clean as mine?"
"My life is just perfect and nothing ever goes wrong."

Aren't you sick of it all? Well Kelly is. But that's the trouble, I'm not Kelly. But I am making a blog for her anyway just to bug her. Because she hates blogs. Here's to you Kelly!