Friday, June 13, 2008

My Children

We have decided to get a swing set. When in discussion of said swing set, Khloe had an epiphany of how the swing set could make my job easier. She informed me that I could simply say to them "You kids are driving me crazy! Go on the swing set!"

Jared likes to wave to everyone and everything. Even little bugs. Just the other day he spotted a little Caterpillar and gave it a sweet little wave. Then he smiled and smashed it with his foot. Where do they learn these things?


Kendra and Caleb said...

More I need more

Adrienne said...

Hey, I just found your blog, it's a small world in blogging. I'm one of the last people I know to start one. It's so great to see that I'm not the only one with silly kids. I always say, it's a good thing they're so cute.